Training AI models doesn't need low latency. It needs cheap energy wherever it can be found (13:45 | register)
Samsung buys UK AI startup to give its products the personal touch
Oxford Semantic could help your fridge and smartphone pick up on your proclivities (10:59 | register)
A guide to Grok 2 including how to use, release date, and features
Elon Musk's xAI is set to launch its next generation Grok 2 model soon, in a bid to rival ChatGPT's OpenAI. (10:09 |
China's Moore Threads adds support for 10K GPU clusters
Chinese slinger's kit still no match for Nvidia's sanction-evading cards (08:18 | register)
US Army: We want to absorb private-sector AI 'as fast as y'all are building them'
How about a nice game of chess instead? (08:18 | register)
EFF wants FTC to treat lying chatbots as 'unfair and deceptive' in eyes of the law
And hit AI operators 'with all the fines', says Cory Doctorow (08:18 | register)
Coders' Copilot code-copying copyright claims crumble against GitHub, Microsoft
A few devs versus the powerful forces of Redmond who did you think was going to win? (08:18 | register)
Megérkezett a ChatGPT eddigi legfejlettebb kihívója
A Meta piacra dobta legújabb és legfejlettebb mesterségesintelligencia-modelljét: a 405 milliárd paraméterből álló Llama 3.1 405B nyílt forráskódú, vagyis képességei bárki számára elérhetők. De vajon mit tud pontosan az utóbbi évek egyik legjelentősebb nyelvi modelljeként emlegetett szoftver? Akár a... (07:07 | Igényesférfi)
Google keeps the cost of AI search flat, and kids are lovin' it
As the G-Cloud brings in big bucks and plentiful profit (05:42 | register)
Peloton faces lawsuit over claims it pedaled past privacy
Chat widget allegedly fed data to third party, which used it to train AI without telling customers (03:10 | register)
Meta claims worlds largest' open AI model with Llama 3.1 405B debut
Zuck says he wants to mimic Linux and go open source, kind of (03:10 | register)
Colin Kaepernick wants to use AI to get your comic book to the endzone
Former NFL quarterback launches AI startup Lumi to remove the (00:30 | techradar)
Anthropic teams up with venture capital firm to kickstart $100M AI startup fund
Recipients of six-digit investments arent required to use Claude (00:26 | register)
Video game actors strike because they fear an attack of the AI clones
You wouldn't download a performer (00:26 | register)
Google Translate now fluent in 110 additional languages from Abkhaz to Zulu
Ta shoh scansh mie, son ymmyd (Tegnap | register)
Hosszú idő után először lehet komoly kihívója a Google keresőjének
Az OpenAI bemutatta saját fejlesztésű keresőjét, a SearchGPT-t. (Tegnap | Pcworld)
OpenAI's SearchGPT appears to get lost on its first hunt
SearchGPT hallucinates answer in first demo video (Tegnap | techradar)
Breaking the rules is in Big Tech's blood now it's time to break the habit
Microsoft: All your data are belong to us? World: That's so last century (Tegnap | register)
How tech went from free love to pay-per-day
FOSS, AI, blockchain, and the cycle of empty nonsense (Tegnap | register)
AMD buys developer Silo AI in bid to match Nvidia's product range
First it comes for market leader's GPUs ... now it's nibbling at software (Tegnap | register)
Honey, I shrunk the LLM! A beginner's guide to quantization and testing it
Just be careful not to shave off too many bits ... These things are known to hallucinate as it is (Tegnap | register)
AI inbreeding among chatbots like ChatGPT could lead to its demise
%%excerpt%% Artificial intelligence is here already, it is tipped to own the future, but a new theory puts forward the case that AI "incest" could lead to self-inflicted demise. (Tegnap |
What Can AI Do For Healthcare Marketing In 2024?
How can you use AI to enhance your your marketing efforts while prioritizing privacy, compliance, trust, and service? (Tegnap | searchenginejournal)
Coinbase expands board with former OpenAI exec, clinton aide
Coinbase adds former OpenAI executive Chris Lehane, ex-US Solicitor General Paul Clement, and Aon CFO Christa Davies to its board. (Tegnap |
YouTube confirms it'll pull AI fakes in 48 hours if a complaint's upheld
As ever, terms and conditions apply (Tegnap | register)
Copilot+ PCs software compatibility issues left to you to sort out, with help from crowdsourcers
Samsung warned users, but the PC industrys big players hardly mention the possibility of problems (Tegnap | register)
Google DeepMind's latest models kinda sorta take silver at Math Olympiad
Sure, it took three days to do what teenaged brainiacs do in nine hours but who's counting? (Tegnap | register)
Felkötheti a gatyáját a Google: ringbe száll az új vetélytárs, durva küzdelem elébe néznek
Az OpenAI nevű mesterséges intelligenciafejlesztéssel (MI) foglalkozó vállalat csütörtökön bejelentette legújabb termékének érkezését, a SearchGPT nevű keresőmotor prototípusát. A vállalat ezzel egyértelműen jelezte szándékát, miszerint belépne a jelenleg a Google-uralta a keresőpiacra - tudósított ... (Tegnap | PénzCentrum)
Apple adopts Biden administration's AI safeguards
The company joined OpenAI, Google, Microsoft, and others. (Tegnap | mashable)
Brutális újítás érkezik: foghatja a fejét a Google?
A ChatGPT-t is fejlesztő OpenAI új, mesterséges intelligencia alapú keresőmotor létrehozásán dolgozik, amely valós időben lesz képes információkat elérni az internetről. A vállalat célja, hogy ezt az innovatív technológiát beépítse népszerű online chatbotjába, a ChatGPT-be - írta meg a The New York ... (Tegnap | Portfolio)
Itt az OpenAI válasza a Google AI-keresőjére
Egyelőre az amerikai felhasználók szűk köre férhet hozzá az OpenAI AI-alapú keresőjének prototípusához, amivel a cég egyenesen a Google versenytársává avanzsál. (Tegnap | HWSW)
Google Volatility, Bing Generative Search, Reddit Blocks Bing, Sticky Cookies, AI Overview Ads & SearchGPT
This week, we covered yet again more Google Search ranking volatility. Microsoft is testing its new Bing generative search experience. Reddit blocked Bing and other search engines that wont pay for its content. Google is not going to deprecate third-party cookies in Chrome. Google will test ads in A... (Tegnap | searchengineroundtable)
Fontos fejlesztéseket kapott a Facebook anyavállalatának nagy nyelvi modellje, de mi ennek nem örülhetünk
A 750 milliárd szóval betanított Llama 3.1 405B a fejlesztő szerint már felveszi a versenyt a GPT4-gyel. (Tegnap | Pcworld)
Google Gemini Adds Related Content & Verification Links
Google pushed out a large update to Gemini (formerly known as Bard) and this update includes more links to both related content and also links to verify the content that Gemini is responding with. (Tegnap | searchengineroundtable)
SearchGPT - OpenAI's AI Search Tool
OpenAI has announced SearchGPT, its AI search tool that looks and feels a lot like ChatGPT but gives you more sources and answers through links. OpenAI wrote, "Were testing SearchGPT, a temporary prototype of new AI search features that give you fast and timely answers with clear and relevant source... (Tegnap | searchengineroundtable)
Find Keyword Cannibalization Using OpenAIs Text Embeddings With Examples
Learn how to identify keyword cannibalization using OpenAI's text embeddings. Understand the differences between various models and make informed SEO decisions. (Tegnap | searchenginejournal)
Ez a netes kereső lehet a Google első igazi kihívója
Hivatalos a ChatGPT készítőjének jó ideje pletykált keresőmotorja. (Tegnap | Origo)
A mesterséges intelligencia már képes elvégezni egy elemző munkáját a legnagyobb amerikai banknál
A JP Morgan Chase megkezdte egy generatív mesterséges intelligencián alapuló termék bevezetését, és közölte alkalmazottaival: az OpenAI ChatGPT-jének a saját verziója képes elvégezni egy elemző munkáját - jelentette pénteken a Financial Times. (Tegnap | Portfolio)
Chinas homebrew openKylin OS creates a cut for AI PCs
Devs of OS named for a mythical beast join in the 'local models will will deliver legendary productivity' trope (Tegnap | register)
Fujitsu picks model-maker Cohere as its partner for the rapid LLM-development dance
Will become exclusive route to market for joint projects (Tegnap | register)
Study shock! AI hinders productivity and makes working worse
Management drank the Kool Aid but staff can't cope with new demands (Tegnap | register)
Hamarosan eljöhet a trónfosztás: az OpenAI elindítja saját keresőmotorját a Google alternatívájaként
Az OpenAI csütörtökön közölte, hogy mesterséges intelligenciamotorját a Google piacit uraló keresőmotorjának alternatívájaként állítja munkába. A ChatGPT mögött álló startup bejelentetése szerint, már tesztelik a SearchGPT prototípusát. A keresőmotort arra tervezték, hogy kombinálja a mesterséges in... (Tegnap | Blikk)
Akár a Google-t is lekörözheti egy új kereső, a SearchGPT
Aggódhat a Google, ugyanis az OpenAi kifejlesztett egy olyan keresőt, amely a kezdetektől fogva mesterséges intelligenciát használ. (Tegnap | Telex)
Vajon elveri a Google keresőt a SearchGPT?
Célzott támadás a Google ellen az OpenAI újdonsága, a SearchGPT, amivel a keresőpiacon hódítanának. (Tegnap | ITCafe)
Retteghet a Google? Az OpenAI saját keresővel jött ki
Csütörtök este a ChatGPT fejlesztője, az OpenAI bemutatta a mesterséges intelligenciára épülő internetes keresőjének prototípusát. (Tegnap | Forbes)
Most nyomhatják meg a Google-nél a pánikgombot: itt az OpenAI saját keresője, a SearchGPT
Bemutatta a ChatGPT fejlesztője a mesterséges intelligenciára épülő internetes keresőjét, a SearchGPT-t, mely több tekintetben is eltér a hagyományos keresőmotoroktól így a Google-től is. (Tegnap | Hvg)
Lambda on the hunt for 'another $800M' to fuel its GPU cloud
Why sell shovels when you can rent them (Tegnap | register)
If you think AI labs wouldn't stoop to using scraped YouTube subtitles for training, think again
What next, nutrition labels on cartons? Probably (Tegnap | register)
Hatalmas fejlesztést kap a ChatGPT, könnyítenek az életünkön
OpenAI végül azt tervezi, hogy az eszközt, amelyet jelenleg a felhasználók egy kis csoportjával tesztel, beépíti a ChatGPT chatbotjába. (Tegnap | Tőszdeforum)
France poised to bring 'charges against Nvidia'
Euro nation's monopoly gendarmes cheesed off with GPU giant's dominance (Tegnap | register)
ChatGPT won't let you give it instruction amnesia anymore
OpenAI updates GPT-4o mini model to stop subversion by clever hackers (Tegnap | techradar)
SK hynix pumps billions into HBM chips to meet AI demand
It's already sold out of stock for this year and next (Tegnap | register)
A friendly guide to containerization for AI work
Save the headaches, ship your dependencies (Tegnap | register)
Datacenter demand driven by AI... but constrained by power shortages
Not content with drinking up all our water, now we'll compete with DCs for power (Tegnap | register)
Microsoft exits OpenAI's boardroom to sidestep regulatory scrutiny
Redmond 'confident in the company's direction' says withdrawal letter (Tegnap | register)
Gartner nudges down global IT spending growth forecast as 'change fatigue' persists
Meanwhile, software vendors are left paying the GenAI 'tax' as users yet to see value (Tegnap | register)
What does Google Gemini do with your data? Well, it's complicated...
Big misconception is that data ingestion is occurring, we're told (Tegnap | register)
OpenAI unveils AI search engine SearchGPT not that you're allowed to use it yet
Launching in Beta is so 2014. We're in the prototype limited sign-up era now (Tegnap | register)
OpenAI Tests Search Prototype, Plans ChatGPT Integration
New OpenAI search features that reply to queries with timely information and source links are being tested by a limited number of users. The company calls the tool a "temporary prototype." (Csü. | mediapost)
OpenAI Tests Prototype Of Search Tool It Plans To Integrate With ChatGPT
New OpenAI search features that reply to queries with timely information and source links are being tested by a limited number of users.The company calls the tool a "temporary prototype." (Csü. | mediapost)
OpenAI Reveals SearchGPT, Threatening to Upend Google's Dominance
The reveal of the prototype of an AI-powered search engine saw Google and Microsoft stock drop. (Csü. | decrypt)
ChatGPT reveals search feature in Google challenge
OpenAI is working on adding new search powers to its artificial intelligence (AI) bot. (Csü. | bbc)
OpenAI officially takes on Google with SearchGPT but not everybody gets access for now
A new way of generative search is here if you can get on the list (Csü. | techradar)
AI wars heat up: OpenAIs SearchGPT takes on Googles search dominance
OpenAI launches SearchGPT, challenging Google's search dominance with AI-powered, conversational search that promises faster, easier access to information. (Csü. | venturebeat)
SearchGPT is OpenAI's new search engine. Here's how to try it.
You'll have to sign up before you can test it. (Csü. | mashable)
OpenAI Launches SearchGPT: AI-Powered Search Prototype
OpenAI launches SearchGPT, an AI-powered search prototype offering direct answers with citations. (Csü. | searchenginejournal)
OpenAI starts testing SearchGPT prototype, heres what it looks like
SearchGPT is a temporary prototype. ChatGPT plans to integrate search features from SearchGPT into ChatGPT in the future. (Csü. | searchengineland)
OpenAI is releasing a prototype of its search engine to rival Google, Perplexity
SearchGPT is just a prototype for now. (Csü. | theverge)
OpenAI tests new search engine called SearchGPT amid AI arms race
Prototype, initially launching with select publishers and users, set to challenge Googles dominance of online search (Csü. | guardiantech)
Big Tech's eventual response to my LLM-crasher bug report was dire
Fixes have been made, it appears, but disclosure or discussion is invisible (Csü. | register)
Babel fish? We're getting there. Reg reviews the Timekettle X1 AI Interpreter Hub
A handy standalone translator, but you'll need deep pockets, both figuratively and literally, if you want one (Csü. | register)
Websites clamp down as creepy AI crawlers sneak around for snippets
Shrinks training pool, but hurts services like the Internet Archive (Csü. | register)
Microsoft adds generative search to its Bing engine
Looks a lot like Google's AI Overviews, hopefully without some of the early unfortunate summaries (Csü. | register)
Chinese Gen AI researchers snagged more patents than everyone else combined since 2013
You think the US leads the field? Wrong OpenAI is way down WIPO's charts (Csü. | register)
AI models face collapse if they overdose on their own output
Recursive training leads to nonsense, study finds (Csü. | register)
Microsoft Now Testing Bing Generative Search Experience
Microsoft announced yesterday it has begun testing its new Bing generative search experience - so Bing GSE (versus Google SGE). "By combining the power of generative AI and large language models (LLMs) with the search results page, Bings generative search creates a bespoke and dynamic response to a ... (Csü. | searchengineroundtable)
Cloudflare debuts one-click nuke of web-scraping AI
Take that for ignoring robots.txt! (Csü. | register)
FBI, cyber-cops zap ~1K Russian AI disinfo Twitter bots
RT News snarks back after it's accused of building social nyet-work for Kremlin (Csü. | register)
You're not hallucinating: generative AI is helping IBM's mainframes grow
Big Blue brings in more cash and profit than predicted (Csü. | register onprem)
Az OpenAi fejese 3 évig havi ezer dollárt adott embereknek. Mutatjuk mi történt!
Sam Altman, az OpenAi vezetője egyik non-profit szervezetén keresztül az elmúlt három évben az USA eddigi legnagyobb léptékű általános alapjövedelem-kutatását hajtotta vég (Csü. | Forbes)
Meta training AI models on citizen data gets a hard não from Brazil
Zuckerborg's justification isn't good enough, says watchdog (Csü. | register)
ServiceNow president leaves after policy breach related to public sector boss hire
But the books look good, because of real AI (Csü. | register)
OpenAIs GPT-4o Mini is indeed small like its lead over rivals in certain tests
Plus: Meta Euro model drama; Mistral and Nvidia find NeMo; and more (Csü. | register)
Algorithmic wage discrimination: Not just for gig workers
What's in the box! No seriously, what's in there that sets our wages (Csü. | register)
White House urged to double check Microsoft isn't funneling AI to China via G42 deal
Windows maker insisted everything will be locked down and secure which given its reputation, uh-oh! (Csü. | register)
Mistral Large 2 leaps out as a leaner, meaner rival to GPT-4-class AI models
It's not the size that matters, it's how you use it (Csü. | register)
Kling AI Video Generator Now Available Globally to Take on OpenAI's Sora
Here's a look at a new AI video generator that offers multilingual support and impressive features. (Csü. | decrypt)
Sam Altman sues builder over $27M flooded, sewage-hit 'lemon' of a mega-mansion
Leaking skylights, collapsed roof, garbage-clogged pipes - did ChatGPT make this? (Csü. | register)
Kína nem várhat semmi jót, bárki is lesz az amerikai elnök
A külföldi kormányok lélegzetvisszafojtva lesik, merre megy az amerikai külpolitika, miután a jobb- és baloldalon egyaránt erősödik a kétség: fenn tud-e maradni az Egyesült Államok vezette világrend. Ezt fejti ki legújabb elemzésében Walter Russel Mead, a Hudson Intézet munkatársa, a new yorki Bard ... (Sze. | Hirklikk)
Musk deflects sluggish Tesla car sales with Optimus optimism
Claims 'everyone on Earth is going to want one' (Sze. | register)
AI models rank their own safety in OpenAIs new alignment research
Rules-based Rewards, a method from OpenAI that automates safety scoring, lets developers create clear-cut safety instructions for AI model fine-tuning. (Sze. | venturebeat)
Apple's Clamshell iBook G3 at 25 not just a pretty case
Remembering when laptops could be fun and fixable
(15:44 | register onprem)
"Dealing with a tsunami of information" Alteryx and McLaren on what Formula 1 can teach your business about getting the most from data analytics
Transformation is hard, but utilizing your data can go a long way, Alteryx says
(14:20 | techradar)
The 5 best password managers for 2024
Find out the five best password managers to keep your accounts secure in 2024. Say no to password reuse and protect your online presence.
(13:13 |
'Data embassies' promise bubbles of digital sovereignty, but India just cooled on the idea
Scratch the surface and they look more like a sales pitch or a soft power play
(12:26 | register onprem)
Intel admits damage to unstable 14th-gen and 13th-gen CPUs is permanent incoming patch is a preventative, not a cure
Although there could be a chance that some instability improvements might benefit currently impacted CPUs
(12:13 | techradar)
NASA rover finds major surprise on Mars and scientists are excited
A possible sign Mars once hosted life.
(12:00 | mashable)
Get a wireless car display and give your road trips a major upgrade
Bring your vehicle into the future for less than $100.
(12:00 | mashable)
Dive head-first into AI with an all-inclusive coding bundle for $49.97
Level up your coding skills.
(12:00 | mashable)
Get all your favorite Microsoft products for one low price of $79.97
Microsoft Office, Project, Visio, and Windows can be yours for way less.
(12:00 | mashable)
This shark lives for centuries. Scientists discover how it resists aging.
"Every detail about this animal is fascinating."
(11:30 | mashable)
Mouth bacteria 'can make some cancers melt'
Experts say the presence of the bacteria appears "toxic" for head and neck cancer and "may determine a better prognosis".
(11:18 | sky)
Every MCU movie villain ranked, from the worst to the worst of the worst
How do Paradox and Cassandra stack up against the greats?
(11:00 | mashable)
Master new skills in 1,000+ online courses with this $30 bundle
Don't have time (or money) to go back to school? Do this instead.
(11:00 | mashable)
Experts debunk Trump claim that wind energy is killing many U.S. birds
"Other aspects of human life are far more lethal."
(11:00 | mashable)
Learn for life: get 1,000+ courses for $30
Back to school season isn't just for the kids
(11:00 | mashable)
Learn languages and more with Rosetta Stone and StackSkills
Lifetime learning at your fingertips.
(11:00 | mashable)
Philippines wipes out its legit online gambling industry to take down scammers
President apologizes in advance for job losses
(06:00 | register onprem)
Get a lifetime of cloud storage with Koofr 1TB now just £93.20
It's significantly cheaper than iCloud and you can store your files for life.
(06:00 | mashable)
Your old Android phone just got a video boost thanks to a new Blackmagic Camera update
Bringing pro-level photography to the Galaxy S22 and more
(05:30 | techradar)
X is now using your posts (and more) to train its Grok AI, but theres something you can do about it
Keep your X data private and opt out of AI training
(03:14 | techradar)
Google's Nest Cameras will now alert you if you left the garage door open
Notifications will be sent right to your phone
(03:00 | techradar)
No, really, please ban Chinese DJI drones from America's skies, senators are urged
Previous outlawing attempt flew off, will this one stick the landing?
(02:52 | register onprem)
Heres your first look at Amazons Like a Dragon: Yakuza
Its streaming in October.
(01:03 | theverge)
NYT Connections today hints and answers for Saturday, July 27 (game #412)
Our clues will help you solve the NYT
(01:02 | techradar)
Quordle today hints and answers for Saturday, July 27 (game #915)
Our clues will help you solve Quordle today and keep that streak going
(01:02 | techradar)
NYT Strands today hints, answers and spangram for Saturday, July 27 (game #146)
Our clues will help you solve the NYT
(01:02 | techradar)
Palestine makes its statement at the Paris Olympic opening ceremony
As Palestinian athletes donned traditional colors, protesters decried Israel's presence.
(00:15 | mashable)
iPhone kicked out of Chinas top 5 smartphone brands as domestic market bounces back
Chinese brands ascendant in the countrys phone market, but Apples exile might only be temporary
(Tegnap | register onprem)
Kamala Harris' $7M support from LinkedIn founder comes with a request: Fire Lina Khan
FTC boss must be doing something right if folks will pay to get her binned
(Tegnap | register onprem)
Olympics 2024 Opening Ceremony: Every performer and celebrity who appeared
Celine Dion, Lady Gaga, and more.
(Tegnap | mashable)
Elon Musk's X is using your posts to train its AI chatbot Grok. Here's how to opt out.
Musk is using X user data to build his next big company. A quick settings change can opt you out.
(Tegnap | mashable)
A new Doctor Who spinoff series is coming to Disney Plus
The Sea Devils are making their way back to Doctor Who.
(Tegnap | theverge)
The best phone to buy right now
Dont let buying a new phone become a chore.
(Tegnap | theverge)
Sauron returns in The Rings of Powers season 2 trailer
It starts streaming in August.
(Tegnap | theverge)
YouTube is getting throttled in Russia here's how to unblock it
You may soon need a VPN app to keep accessing the service
(Tegnap | techradar)
Zoo hatches record number of condor chicks to release into the wild
Its thanks to surrogate moms going the extra mile.
(Tegnap | theverge)
SharkNinjas new coffee machine takes the hard parts out of making espresso
Auto-calibrated grinding based on your brew and beans.
(Tegnap | theverge)
The Boys is getting a prequel series
Jensen Ackles and Aya Cash are coming back to The Boys in a big way.
(Tegnap | theverge)
FTC grabs controller as Microsoft jacks up Game Pass price by 81%
This is exactly what we said would happen post-Blizzard merger, laments watchdog, as its appeal continues
(Tegnap | register onprem)
Kamala Harris has a long history with Silicon Valley that could help or hurt
The presumptive Democratic nominee has gone back and forth with Big Tech
(Tegnap | register onprem)
Intel nabs Micron exec to oversee foundry business ambitions
Memory veteran to help Gelsinger and co with longstanding internal/external contract manufacturing plans
(Tegnap | register onprem)
Autumn date to fix blood transfusion services
The systems were affected by a hack on the NHS, which caused significant disruption.
(Tegnap | bbc)
Lady Gaga just performed at the Olympics opening ceremony
Pink feathers, a mid-song outfit change, and Gaga en Français.
(Tegnap | mashable)
Celine Dion triumphs at Olympics opening ceremony and the internet lights up
The internet is all about this opening ceremony.
(Tegnap | mashable)
Arrangers clever puzzles will have you rearranging your schedule to play
Arranger is a brilliant and cleverly designed puzzle game.
(Tegnap | theverge)
ChatGPTs Voice Mode update is coming next week: 3 new features subscribers will get
Live translation, sound effects, and more.
(Tegnap | mashable)
Still need a school laptop? Specced out Lenovo Yoga 7i Laptops are up to $350 off
Head back to school with new tech for a productive new year.
(Tegnap | mashable)
Wait, I just saw Deadpool appear on my phone. It's Google's new easter egg to promote the film.
'Deadpool and Wolverine' promo extends to users' phones via Circle to Search.
(Tegnap | mashable)
Social media companies change their policies in the wake of bad press
Between 2005 and 2021, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube were more likely to make policy changes in the weeks after negative stories in the media
(Tegnap |
Heres how to stop X from using your posts to train its AI
You can delete your conversations with Grok, too.
(Tegnap | theverge)
Get this heart-melting Lego Pixar 'Up' House for under $50
We're breaking our rules to bring you this Disney Lego kit.
(Tegnap | mashable)
Does AI increase productivity at work? New study suggests otherwise
Are you worried about AI's impact on work productivity? A new study reveals how the technology is falling short of workplace expectations.
(Tegnap |
This $70 cleaning hack takes all of the elbow grease out of scrubbing
Meet the HOTO Electric Spin Scrubber,
(Tegnap | mashable)
There is no fix for Intels crashing 13th and 14th Gen CPUs any damage is permanent
We got some answers from Intel, and more are on the way.
(Tegnap | theverge)
Tony Hale, Zosia Mamet and 'The Decameron' cast recall the film's most hilarious improvised moments
"I don't think I've ever laughed so hard filming a scene."
(Tegnap | mashable)
How 'Deadpool and Wolverine' fits into the X-Men movies' messy timeline
The series' labyrinthine continuity will clash with the MCU in "Deadpool & Wolverine."
(Tegnap | mashable)
Snag JBL Tune earbuds with active noise cancellation for under $50
They're on sale for only $3 higher than Prime Day.
(Tegnap | mashable)
4k webcams are on sale for just $85 upgrade your livestreaming or WFH setup
If your Chromebook or laptop has a crappy camera, give it an instant-upgrade with these webcam deals.
(Tegnap | mashable)
Amazon deal of the day: Grab a SodaStream Art bundle for 45% off and never run out of fizz
Plus, save on the Apple Watch Series 9, JBL Tune 230NC earbuds, and Anker foldable wall charger.
(Tegnap | mashable)
New Windows 11 preview has good news and bad ahead of 24H2 release: more features are coming and more ads
Latest Windows 11 24H2 preview has us anticipating some smart new features, but dreading the new ads
(Tegnap | techradar)
Don't feel like cooking? Collect the best DoorDash promo codes of the week.
Ring in the summer with a side of fries.
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Secure Boot has a major security issue hundreds of devices from Dell, Supermicro and more all affected, here's what we know
PKfail vulnerability allows threat actors to install UEFI malware
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How Paris cleaned up the Seine for the Olympics
Public swimming is planned for 2025.
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Hey, athletes: Garmin's heart rate monitor is on sale for a lot less than a smartwatch
Get your heart stats with a different kind of wearable.
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Failure to follow proper procedures caused US-wide AT&T outage, FCC says
America's second largest wireless carrier taking steps to prevent a repeat of 12-hour downtime in February
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Scaling the datacenter
Five best practices for CSPs
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'A moose hit me' and other ways people damage their gizmos
The wild world of wrecking our tech
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Ecommerce activity is causing a spike in pollution by warehouses
Communities are worried about emissions from logistics
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Anker goes hard with post-Prime Day deals on its best chargers
Never get the dreaded low-battery warning again.
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Samsungs overhauled One UI 7 revealed
Galaxy devices are getting a new look.
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Surprise! You can now bundle Hulu, Disney Plus, and Max for $17
You can choose your own adventure with ads or no ads.
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What is Three Of A Kind in Poker and How Does This Hand Rank?
How is Three Of A Kind ranked? Our Three Of A Kind poker guide shows what the hand looks like and odds and probabilities of hitting this hand
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Keurig's hot and cold K-Iced brewer just hit its lowest ever price
Making your own iced coffee just got a lot easier (and cheaper).
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US government launches appeal to take down one of the most notorious North Korean hackers around
North Korean hacker who targeted hospitals to fund espionage campaigns hit with indictment
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You can now try Xbox Game Pass Ultimate for just $14.99
If you have an Xbox, Game Pass is a necessity.
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ESRs inexpensive Qi2 car charger is more than 40 percent off for a limited time
You dont need a MagSafe charger for 15W wireless speeds.
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Canadian soccer teams have been spying with drones for years
A Canadian sorry and Timbits likely wont fix this one.
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Remaining curious about the future of Gen AI
Get data-ready to harness the potential of AI
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AI with a human touch: Deploying for success
How businesses can deploy AI successfully
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WienerAI Soars Past $8 Million in Presale, 4 Days Left Last Chance to Buy This AI Meme Coin Gem
The WienerAI (WAI) presale, an innovative AI meme coin, ends in less than 5 days, offering a final opportunity to invest for a potential 100x return when
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FanDuel owner Flutter weighs up acquisition of PENN Entertainment
FanDuel parent company Flutter Entertainment is considering a buyout of PENN Entertainment.
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Progress warns Telerik Report Server has a critical security bug
Users should apply the patch immediately
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Nvidia looks to be revamping RTX 3050 mobile GPU with current-gen tech and that might mean better battery life for budget gaming laptops
Team Green could turn the aging RTX 3050 into something special for affordable gaming laptops
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Google Pixel 9: massive leak reveals significant details
Ahead of Made by Google on August 13, some sparkle has been taken away from the launch of Google Pixel 9 with leaked info
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Several ServiceNow flaws are being linked together to attack companies and organizations
Hackers are still hunting for vulnerable endpoints, experts warn
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